Mini Professors logo Arts & Crafts



Fun, engaging, hands on science classes for little ones and their adults

  • Mondays 10:00–10:40

Showcase the Street Dundonald Street, Dundee, Dundee City Council, DD3 7PY

(Class takes place in Classes run from Studio 2)

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 2 years - 5 years 11 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £40.00 - £80.00
  • icon-location-small miles from


With a different topic every session, your child will explore something new about the incredible world of science each week. The themes range from germs to crystals, from chromatography to electricity and everything STEM related in between.

A typical class starts with our Mini Professors 'Welcome Song', followed by an intro to the day's topic, with pictures and props, then our first experiment, where we encourage all our Mini Professors and their grownups to join in (and maybe get messy!). A short video, related to the topic, then a story followed by another fantastic science experiment. At the end of the lesson we summarise what we've learnt and end with the Mini Professors 'Goodbye Song' and (very importantly) a sticker!

It's lots of fun and there is normally an 'I didn't know that!' moment for the adults too.

Our Mini Professors get to wear their own mini lab coats and learn about the basic principles of scientific experimentation whilst having loads of fun and generally getting stuck in.

Booking info & prices

Book your place in class by clicking on the following link classes cost £8 each and are charged in 5 or 10 week blocks depending on your preference. For new customers there is also the option to book a 3 week trial block.

  • Block of 10: £80.00
  • Block of 5: £40.00
Siblings & Discounts
  • Trial block of 3 sessions: £24.00

Booking info & prices

Book your place in class by clicking on the following link classes cost £8 each and are charged in 5 or 10 week blocks depending on your preference. For new customers there is also the option to book a 3 week trial block.

  • Block of 10: £80.00
  • Block of 5: £40.00
Siblings & Discounts
  • Trial block of 3 sessions: £24.00
Ailsa Phillips