The Baby Den with More than Milk Cornwall logo Parenting Support



Support for families from birth through to crawling

  • Wednesdays 10:00–12:00

The Baby Den Trevithick Road, Camborne, Cornwall, TR14 8LQ

(Class takes place in Come and join us in the café! )

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  • icon-calendar All year
  • icon-people 0 months - 2 years
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  • icon-cost free - £5.00
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NB: This event only allows drop-ins if there is space available. Advance bookings are preferred.


More than Milk Cornwall parenting groups are designed to offer you low cost access to skilled specialist early parenting support and information around feeding, bonding and caring for your baby as well as your postnatal recovery. This is a safe space for you to ask question, review feeding plans and socialise. This is not suitable for those needing a full feeding assessment, including tongue tie assessment. For these situations I recommend speaking with your midwife, health visitor or scheduling a one to one home visit.

All new and expecting mums are welcome to attend. We have open discussion in the group where we share experiences and wisdom with each other. There is always an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may around feeding (breast/bottle/solids), sleep and mothering have with our lactation consultant Louise and peer supporter Lissa.
FREE drinks in the cafe, food from £2
Parking is £1per hour.

Booking info & prices

Bookings can be made for: Antenatal Group classes Sling meet Nappy natter Breastfeeding and Early parenting groups Starting Solids classes Breastfeeding and Sleep class Bonding with others IBCLC in My Pocket subscription service for support with all infant feeding concerns.

  • Single Session - low income, coffee included.: £0.00
  • Single Session optional £5.00 donation- coffee included: £5.00

Booking info & prices

Bookings can be made for: Antenatal Group classes Sling meet Nappy natter Breastfeeding and Early parenting groups Starting Solids classes Breastfeeding and Sleep class Bonding with others IBCLC in My Pocket subscription service for support with all infant feeding concerns.

  • Single Session - low income, coffee included.: £0.00
  • Single Session optional £5.00 donation- coffee included: £5.00
Louise Barnett IBCLC