During the late autumn and early winter term sessions will change to be a nature-led walk in the park with games and nature-based crafts and play. Keeping on the move will help to keep us all warm!
Please ensure that you and your child wear suitable clothing for the colder weather and potential wet weather too. Wellies, waterproofs and warm layers underneath are recommended.
Meeting point will change from our usual area to outside the Volunteer gardeners cottage which is located in the main playground near the sand area.
At the end of the walk and activities we will return to the cottage for a story time and for a small cash contribution, a hot drink will be provided for adults and children.
*Numbers are very limited so please book in advance*
Sessions are led by Julia, a highly experienced primary and early years teacher and a qualified Forest School leader.
Booking info & prices
Nature-based outdoor learning through play I parent & child (12m-5yrs) Following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum & Forest School ethos
- single session Lewisham Residents rate: £9.00
- single session (individual child ticket): £12.00
Booking info & prices
Nature-based outdoor learning through play I parent & child (12m-5yrs) Following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum & Forest School ethos
- single session Lewisham Residents rate: £9.00
- single session (individual child ticket): £12.00