Ole Spanish logo Father/Dad activities



Your baby's linguistic adventure begins with you, your baby and Bebé Olé!

  • Fridays 10:00–10:45

St Andrew’s Church Chase Side, Southgate, London, N14 5PP

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  • icon-calendar Event
  • icon-people 6 months - 3 years 6 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £55.50
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Bebé Olé's Playful Approach: Our baby classes are designed to be engaging and fun, ensuring that your little one falls in love but we focus on mum/dad/carer getting some useful language and perfect pronunciation to use withyour baby everyday. We will focus on how mum speaks to the baby.
Musical Magic: Bebé Olé brings the joy of Spanish music into your baby's world. From catchy tunes to rhythmic beats, we make sure your baby dances through their language journey. Mum will take the lyrics home, so the fun continues at home.
Storytime Adventures: Discover enchanting Spanish stories with Bebé Olé. We believe that bedtime tales in Spanish are not just stories; they're dreams waiting to be explored. You will be able to purchase our own bilingual book to share with your toddler.
Cultural Connections: Bebé Olé introduces your child to the richness of Hispanic cultures, fostering an appreciation for diversity and a sense of wonder about the world.
Bonding Through Language: Our classes create beautiful bonding moments between you and your baby as you explore the world of Spanish together. These memories are priceless.
A Lifelong Gift: Bebé Olé lays the foundation for future language fluency and cultural understanding, setting your child on a path to global opportunities.
Ready to embark on this journey with Bebé Olé? Join our classes today and watch your baby thrive in a world of language, love, and learning.

Our baby classes are designed to be engaging and fun, ensuring that your little one falls in love with Spanish naturally and effortlessly. We focus on the parents/carers, so they can continue with speaking to the babies at home.

Booking info & prices

  • Block of 4 sessions: £55.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Block of 4 sessions: £24.00

Booking info & prices

  • Block of 4 sessions: £55.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Block of 4 sessions: £24.00
Maria Torres Giron