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Teaching toddlers to be happy and safe in the water

  • Mondays 10:15–10:45

Brantridge Park Brantridge House, Balcombe, Crawley, West Sussex, RH17 6JT

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  • icon-calendar All year
  • icon-people 15 months - 2 years 6 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
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Toddlers will have the chance to splash, jump in, kick their legs and chase Puddle Ducks tools around the pool. Our Kickers classes introduce interaction with other children through fun games and activities. Kickers become extremely comfortable with taking little swims on their own, both with woggles and unaided

Booking info & prices

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Please contact the class provider for further information.

Booking info & prices

Prices not available

Please contact the class provider for further information.

Natalie Archer