As an experienced teacher, I have seen first-hand the need for children to begin their school journey being school ready. School readiness is a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed in school. This includes a child’s cognitive, social and emotional skills.
In these 'School Readiness' sessions my aim will be to work alongside parents and carers, to help them support their child to learn how to share, take turns, express themselves, listen to and engage with others, regulate their emotions and develop their confidence, independence and self-care skills.
This half-term the theme of our sessions will be one all children love…FOOD! There will be a focus activity each week. For example: a teddy bear’s picnic, planting seeds, the very hungry caterpillar story or making a drink/sandwich of their choice. Taking part in these activities will help develop the children’s ability to become more independent, share, use expressive language, listen, follow instructions, understand self-care and use simple tools to help develop fine motor skills. Each week there will also be a range of age appropriate toys and activities that children enjoy. Planned activities include: a role play café, making masks, talking in the Teepee, washing the babies… the list is endless!
The theory behind the skills taught will be explained to parents and carers. For example: why it is important to develop core strength, have strong fingers, hear sounds in words, sequence, share and listen to and participate in stories etc. All skills are transferable and will help your child’s development at home too.
I work at a local primary school and have already made contact with other primary schools in the area, main stream and special needs, so links will be made with Reception teaching staff and information will be shared as another means of helping you and your child be ready and prepared for their school journey.
On registration, a 'Welcome Letter and Parental Agreement' will be emailed to you. Please read, complete, sign and return this form to the Group Leader Angela Allen: [email protected]
Booking info & prices
Spring Term 2 Start Week beginning: 24th February Cost for each session - £4.50 per child Sibling £4.00 per child Half term block booking for 6 weeks - £4.00 per session/per child If a parent/carer needs to cancel a session for any reason that is not a problem. Please contact Angela Allen (Group leader) via email and another session will be rearranged, that has availability and is suitable for you.
- Block of sessions at a reduced price: £4.00
- Single Session: £4.50
Siblings & Discounts
- Single Session: £4.00
Booking info & prices
Spring Term 2 Start Week beginning: 24th February Cost for each session - £4.50 per child Sibling £4.00 per child Half term block booking for 6 weeks - £4.00 per session/per child If a parent/carer needs to cancel a session for any reason that is not a problem. Please contact Angela Allen (Group leader) via email and another session will be rearranged, that has availability and is suitable for you.
- Block of sessions at a reduced price: £4.00
- Single Session: £4.50
Siblings & Discounts
- Single Session: £4.00