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Storytime Fun!

  • Wednesdays 09:10–10:30
  • NEXT ON: 05 Feb 2025

Scout Hut Stoney Lane, Spondon, Derby, DE21 7QH

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  • icon-calendar Selected dates
  • icon-people 2 years 6 months - 4 years
  • icon-ticket Book with Happity
  • icon-cost £4.50
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


The group leader is an experienced early year’s teacher who has planned and taught lessons that focuses on all aspects of storytelling: reading, retelling, drama, performance, rhyme and language development. She has vast knowledge of the stories and activities that enthuse and stimulate young minds.
Early years story telling is not only a fun way to interact with your child, it also develops their listening and communication skills, improves concentration, develops the imagination and can bring a story to life.
Each block of sessions will focus on a story theme that interests young children. These books have been carefully chosen from a range of recommended texts.
Sessions will begin with a shared story experience, led by the group leader, with both parents/carers and their children. Follow up activities will relate to the story, characters and setting. Children will then immerse themselves in a range of fun educational based toys, role-play and art and craft activities that help to develop communication and pre-school literacy skills.
Refreshments are available for adults and children during the session and, most importantly, time for all to chat, play and develop new friendships.

Booking info & prices

Spring Term 1 Three week phased start - 27th January to 14th February All health and safety attached documents must by read and signed by parents on registration. Important information about the adults and child's health must also be recorded so that all staff at the parent and toddler group are fully aware of every participant's specific needs. The code of conduct and other important policies must also be read and adhered to when attending the parent and toddler group. Spring Term 2 Start Week beginning: 24th February Cost for each session - £4.50 per child Half term block booking - £4.00 per session/per child

  • Single Session: £4.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £4.50

Booking info & prices

Spring Term 1 Three week phased start - 27th January to 14th February All health and safety attached documents must by read and signed by parents on registration. Important information about the adults and child's health must also be recorded so that all staff at the parent and toddler group are fully aware of every participant's specific needs. The code of conduct and other important policies must also be read and adhered to when attending the parent and toddler group. Spring Term 2 Start Week beginning: 24th February Cost for each session - £4.50 per child Half term block booking - £4.00 per session/per child

  • Single Session: £4.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £4.50
Angela Allen

Upcoming dates

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