Sing and Sign logo Baby Signing



Baby Signing - we help you build and nurture great communication from birth

  • Fridays 11:30–12:15
  • NEXT ON: 20 Sep 2024

St Mary's Church Elsworthy Road, Primrose Hill, London, NW3 3DJ

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  • icon-calendar Fixed course dates
  • icon-people 6 months - 13 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £155.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Help your baby express themselves and create endless fun learning together while their speech develops.

Covering lots of different themes relating to your baby’s world, we use songs, rhymes, instruments, toys and props in a fun, relaxed class.

Babies use all kinds of signs and gestures as a natural part of learning to talk. Encouraging your baby with signs like milk, more, change nappy or tired will help your baby communicate.

Our classes follow the same structure every week, which is something that the babies soon learn to recognise and respond to very positively. Each week we introduce new signs and then "spiral learn", so that signs and songs are repeated throughout the term.

Babies love the fun and the music while adults effortlessly learn all the signs they need for day-to-day life with their baby.

It's natural, it's easy and lots of fun for both of you.

When booking your spot for our in venue classes, you will also receive: a) weekly in venue class on a day of your choice (40 minutes long) b) a year-long online membership and c) access to our Award winning pre-recorded streamed Online Class@Home. This ten weeks long award winning online content, available for one week at the time from Monday to Sunday during the term, any time and as many times during one.

Booking info & prices

Please contact me for info on Sing and Sign Babes or for more info

  • Block of 10: £155.00

Booking info & prices

Please contact me for info on Sing and Sign Babes or for more info

  • Block of 10: £155.00
Vesna Guzina Gibson

Upcoming dates

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Bookable class dates