Tappy Toes Hertford and Ware, Hitchin and Stevenage banner Dance
Tappy Toes logo Dance



Dance classes for 3 to 5 year olds

  • Fridays 14:00–14:30

Southern Maltings Kibes Lane, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 7BS

View directions
  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 3 years - 5 years
  • icon-ticket Book with Happity
  • icon-cost £7.00 - £21.00
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Our Baby Ballet class which follows on from Tappy Toes and introduces your 3-5 year olds to the world of ballet in a fun and imaginative way

Our Tip Toes classes are an introduction to the world of Ballet and dance. These classes encourage independent learning and dancing and parents take more of a backseat. We still continue the ethos of Tappy Toes classes with lots of props and pop music, but always start the session with more structured exercises and something fun to dress up in!

Booking info & prices

  • Full Term Booking: £7.00 (per class)
  • Three Week Trial: £21.00

Booking info & prices

  • Full Term Booking: £7.00 (per class)
  • Three Week Trial: £21.00
Jasmine Osborn