


Nurture and develop your child through fun play!

  • Mondays 09:30–10:45

Batheaston New Village Hall School Lane, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, BA1 7EP

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 3 months - 5 years
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


"Play is a transaction between an individual and the environment that is intrinsically motivated, internally controlled and free of the many constraints of objective reality." (Bundy, 1991).

It has long been researched and documented that children learn fundamentally through play. Play has also been found to increase a child’s self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-esteem; improve and maintain mental and physical health; develop social skills; promote imagination, independence and creativity; build resilience through risk taking and challenge, problem solving; and so much more!

At The Curious Child, our high-quality play opportunities will nurture and develop your child, but most importantly, they will have fun!

Loose part play forms part of our playgroup setup; it is a collection of materials, often random in their nature! It is naturally open-ended, allowing your child to take their play in whichever direction they desire.

At The Curious Child, we have lots of exciting, interesting, and opportunistic play experiences to ensure that every child is engaged in high quality play throughout the session.

Children can discover and explore real life objects and curiosities.
They can engage in open-ended imaginative play.
They can engage in sensory experiences.
They can construct and destruct on both a large and small scale.
They can create.

Booking info & prices

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Booking info & prices

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Please contact the class provider for further information.

Amy Harding