The Discovery Den The Discovery Den Oxfordshire (Oxford, Benson and Wallingford) banner Sensory
The Discovery Den logo Sensory



Baby Development Sessions

  • Fridays 12:20–13:10

Crowmarsh Village Hall Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8ED

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 0 months - 12 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £7.50 - £8.50
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Suitable for all aged babies, non-movers up to babies that are starting to crawl. Confident crawlers and babies taking their first steps are welcome to try our 1 - 2 yr session.
Crowmarsh Village Hall has a large free carpark and is a short 5 minute walk into the centre of Wallingford.

Different every week and packed full of light shows, puppets, bubbles and confetti balloons, rainbows and sparkles, baby instruments, music and movement, comfort and bonding, fun play ideas…everything you need to encourage your baby to respond to and interact with the world. We include lots of developmental info along the way and also make time for socialising as well as baby led play time or rest time.

Booking info & prices

Sessions can be booked either as PAYG or Term block booked. PAYG places can be booked for any session in advance.

  • Term Ticket: £7.50 (per class)
  • Single Session: £8.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £4.00

Booking info & prices

Sessions can be booked either as PAYG or Term block booked. PAYG places can be booked for any session in advance.

  • Term Ticket: £7.50 (per class)
  • Single Session: £8.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £4.00
Ali and Selina