Toddle Talk classes create an opportunity for you and your baby/toddler to spend some quality time together learning British Sign Language that you can use in your day to day communication, both before your baby can speak and throughout their entire speech journey.
Taught through songs, instruments, puppets, toys and stories, the classes are fun and engaging. Classes run for just under an hour with time included for chatting amongst the group.
Each class follows a theme and at the end of each session you will be given a handout with a description of all the signs taught so that you can practise them at home in your everyday lives.
Prices are per family, so if you have multiple children you will not be charged extra. Class numbers are capped at 8 so that we can ensure everyone can move around safely.
Toddle Talk encourages you and your baby to spend quality time enjoying singing, playing, socialising and learning British Sign Language signs that you can use in your day to day communication, both before your baby can speak and throughout their entire speech journey.
The Signs are taught through songs and nursery rhymes (that contain the words we are learning that week), instruments, puppets, stories and sensory toys that excite, engage and stimulate the babies. The classes are fun and informal, with sign language being taught as a tool to help cut down your baby's frustrations once they are able to begin signing back to you. Classes run for an hour with time included for refreshments for the adults and playtime for the younger ones.
Baby signing can help to:
• Encourage communication between parent and baby
• Cut down your baby's frustrations of not being understood
• Strengthen the parent and baby bond
• Assist with developing sensory, social literacy and numeracy skills
• Stimulate your baby's excitement to join in and copy/learn, understanding more about their world
• Allow parents/carers to meet other parents and babies/toddlers and share experiences
Booking info & prices
If you would like to find out more about this or a future course please don't hesitate to get in touch - visit the website: If you wish to book your place on the upcoming course, please provide your baby's name and age as well as ay medical conditions that may be relevant
- Block of [6 sessions]: £51.00
Booking info & prices
If you would like to find out more about this or a future course please don't hesitate to get in touch - visit the website: If you wish to book your place on the upcoming course, please provide your baby's name and age as well as ay medical conditions that may be relevant
- Block of [6 sessions]: £51.00