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A Strong Foundation for Your Baby's Growth and Development

  • Wednesdays 12:00–12:50

Ryarsh Church Hall Church Road, West Malling, Kent, ME19 5LA

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  • icon-calendar Fixed course dates
  • icon-people 0 months - 6 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £66.00
  • icon-location-small 38.8 miles from east-sussex

NB: This event only allows drop-ins if there is space available. Advance bookings are preferred.


Our unique, 6 week, Baby Development course (designed specifically for babies from birth to 6 months) is every baby class you need in one, providing simple ideas and techniques for fun playtimes that help you:

Connect with your little one

Calm them during fussy moments

Support their all round development

Have Fun together (yes, even with a newborn!)
The course introduces a wide range of activities, suitable for even very young babies, giving you the tools you need to support all aspects of their development, as well as strengthening the bond between you, as you share special moments together.


Baby Massage: Learn a full body routine, including strokes to help soothe colic symptoms and other digestive issues. Get the love hormone, oxytocin, flowing for you both, along with so many other benefits, including helping your baby to sleep better.

Baby Yoga: Enjoy stretches, poses and movements to stimulate, strengthen and soothe your baby in a variety of ways that are lots of fun to do together.

Calming Techniques: Helping you navigate those trickier days, and understand your baby better.

Tummy Time Play: With our tips for making tummy time both fun and effective, your baby will be a tummy time pro in no time – boosting their overall strength and physical development.

Baby Signing: Discover how to communicate with your baby before they can talk with simple, every day sign language, helping you to decipher their wants, needs and interests from just a few months old.

Sensory Play: Explore simple ways to stimulate your baby's senses using everyday items so you’ll know how to play at home too.

Songs & Rhymes: Engage your baby and boost their development with music and movement as we get those smiles and giggles going!

Booking info & prices

  • 6 Week Course: £66.00

Booking info & prices

  • 6 Week Course: £66.00
Shannon Stanley