


Fun and interactive music class for babies to pre-schoolers and their grownups.

  • Tuesdays 10:00–11:00

Walbottle Village Institute The Green, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE15 8JE

(Class takes place in Walbottle Village Institute is a lovely hall with toilets and baby changing facilities. It is a lovely warm space for the children to move around in. We have a baby gate at the entrance and there is on-street parking.)

View directions
  • icon-calendar All year
  • icon-people 0 months - 5 years
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £5.00 - £6.50
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


Treble Time is a fun and interactive music class for babies to pre-schoolers and their grownups. There'll be lots of singing and dancing to live music (I play ukulele and percussion). Activities include singing, action and movement songs to develop language, fine and gross motor skills and lots of opportunities to make friends.

Every child will receive a "song bag" with finger puppets, scarves, instruments and a ribbon ring to play with during the session and inspire their creativity. Everything is cleaned before and after class.

* Please note that due to social distancing regulations we are currently unable to use lycra or scrunchies in our sessions. Hopefully, it won't be long until we can bring them back again! *

Treble Time is a fun and interactive music class for babies to pre-schoolers and their grownups. All music is live (I play ukulele and percussion) and responsive to the children. There'll be lots of singing and movement activities including dancing, lycra, scarves, ribbon rings and scrunchie to develop language, fine and gross motor skills and lots of opportunities to make friends. The children will also get to play with a range of instruments.

Every child will receive a "song bag" with finger puppets, scarves, instruments and a ribbon ring to play with during the session and inspire their creativity. Everything is cleaned before and after class.

Please feel free to contact me on 07835409121. Find me on Facebook for more information or YouTube where I have lots of songs for you to watch at home.

Booking info & prices

  • Adult & Child: £5.00
  • Adult & Two Children: £6.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £1.50

Booking info & prices

  • Adult & Child: £5.00
  • Adult & Two Children: £6.50
Siblings & Discounts
  • Single Session: £1.50
Carol Bowden