


Suitable from 5 months until around 10 months or confidently crawling

  • Tuesdays 12:30–13:30

Madoch Centre St Madoes, Glencarse,, Perth, PH2 7FF

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  • icon-calendar Term time only
  • icon-people 5 months - 10 months
  • icon-ticket Contact provider
  • icon-cost £7.50
  • icon-location-small miles from

NB: This event MUST be booked in advance. No drop-ins.


A weekly baby class to meet other parents in a welcoming, non-judgemental and nurturing environment. Enjoy baby yoga, baby sensory experiences, rythme, rhyme and story time to aid your baby's development, grow your connection and have loads of fun together.

We take the best elements of baby massage, baby yoga, baby sensory experiences and mum & baby groups. Then wrap them together in a class that allows you to have fun together and learn things which benefit both you and your baby. With each week following a different theme, we can ensure that no two weeks will be the same!

When it comes to settling into this stage of motherhood (once the early postnatal phase has passed) it can be overwhelming as baby seems to develop so fast! Wrigglers gives baby and mum/carer time each week to stop and take pause, to enjoy each new milestone and celebrate the ups and the downs of the week with friends in a safe and nurturing space.

In each class you can expect:

• Fun baby yoga routines
• Rhymes & songs
• Story time & sensory play
• Infant education & support
• Meet other new parents at the same stage (a WhatsApp group will be created for each class)

Booking info & prices

Please visit the website.

  • Single Session: £7.50

Booking info & prices

Please visit the website.

  • Single Session: £7.50
Louise Corrigan