Helping babies communicate before speech
What Sing and Sign says
Developed with the help of Speech and Language experts and launched in January 2001, the "Sing and Sign" programme has since taught tens of thousands of parents across the UK how to sign with their babies and encourage amazing early communication.
Hi my name is Anna and I run Sing and Sign classes in the Caterham, Coulsdon, Croydon and Purley area. I absolutely love teaching and find it so rewarding passing on the huge benefits of baby signing and the gift of early communication. How incredible is it that our babies and toddlers can let us know what they'd like, need, have seen or enjoy even before speech if we just give them the tools?!
I loved classes so much as a Mummy I decided to become a franchisee myself (!) and I strive to give families the same amazing experience that I enjoyed with my own children.
I hope you and your little one(s) will join us!
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Mondays 10:00–10:45
14 months - 2 years 6 months
Term time only
Mondays 10:00–10:45
14 months - 2 years 6 months
Term time only
Tuesdays 10:30–11:15
14 months - 2 years 6 months
Term time only
Wednesdays 10:00–10:45
14 months - 2 years 6 months
Term time only
Fridays 10:00–10:45
14 months - 2 years 6 months
Term time only