Helping babies communicate before speech

What Sing and Sign says

Developed with the help of Speech and Language experts and launched in January 2001, the "Sing and Sign" programme has since taught tens of thousands of parents across the UK how to sign with their babies and encourage amazing early communication.


Hello, my name is Nicola Bunn and I have recently taken over from the lovely Rachel, teaching Sing and Sign in Chester and Wirral.
Demand for places is high so please get your baby's name down early if you are interested in coming along!
A bit about me
..... I have a level 3 qualification in Childcare and Education and 15 years experience working with children. I have used sign language and Makaton in my career, but my most relevant signing experience has been gained signing with my own children Archie, Joe and Maggie, all of which I have signed with as babies.

We started when Archie was around 6 months old (he’s 8yrs now!) and it became a wonderful and valuable part of our family life. Attending classes became a highlight in our week with all three children and they still talk about it now!

I have always loved working with children, it's been a true passion and it brings me so much joy to watch them grow and learn. Signing is a wonderful tool for all the family and it is so very easy and so much fun. Nothing beats watching your pre-verbal infant child clearly communicating with you using their hands! In addition to the strong educational element to Sing and Sign there is also a huge amount of fun involved for both parents and babies which makes it a great thing to be involved in. There is a lot of laughter in our classes! Sing and Sign attracts nice people, and you will see the same families in class each week. I really hope that you and your little one will be able to join us to discover the truly unique magic and benefits of Sing and Sign for yourselves.

I can't wait to make music and fun together!

Nic Xx

Nicola Bunn

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