Helping babies communicate before speech
What Sing and Sign says
Developed with the help of Speech and Language experts and launched in January 2001, the "Sing and Sign" programme has since taught tens of thousands of parents across the UK how to sign with their babies and encourage amazing early communication.
Hi, I'm Suzi and I run Sing and Sign classes for North Hertfordshire.
I am mummy to two children and went to Sing and Sign classes with both of them. I first heard about Sing and Sign before I was pregnant from a friend who went with her daughter - and the benefits were so obvious. When my daughter came along, I looked up my local class and didn’t look back.
The songs are fun, it’s so easy to pick up the signs – I really surprised myself when I started as a new mum. Both the girls loved the music and the classes were really fun! My eldest signed ‘finished’ at the start of the second Stage One term and once she started signing you couldn’t stop her! She then became a mini sing and sign teacher herself when our youngest came along! By then it was truly embedded in the family and we didn’t have to think about signing, it was just what we did. It was so rewarding for me to see them signing but even more importantly I felt like I’d given them both this incredible gift – a tool to aid their communication before they could talk! They could tell me what they wanted, what they had seen, how they felt. We shared such excitement in those early days as they could express themselves in a way I understood and could respond to. In a world full of mum guilt, it made me feel like I was getting something right.