Parent and Toddler Group & Messy Play

What Staple Hill Methodist Church says
We are thrilled that Parent and Toddler group is now back on Friday 10:00 - 11:30 am with a new leader, Carla Ball. The cost of this is £3.00 for 1 child and 1 parent and 50p for each additional child, this includes a drink and biscuit. Carla is also running a Messy Play group on Tuesday 10:00 - 11:30. This is for children 6 months - 5 years. The cost of the is also £3.00 There are still some covid restriction in place, please book through the facebook groups. For many of the toddlers this is the first group they have ever attended and so is very important in developing their socialisation skills. It's not only important for the toddlers but also for parent and carers as this is a chance to meet new people.