The Together Project
Songs & Smiles - Lorenco House, Tottenham

  • icon-circle 0 months - 4 years
  • icon-calendar FRIDAY 28th February
  • icon-time-clock 11:00 - 12:00
Lorenco House

9 College Road
Greater London
N17 8EA

View Map

You need to select some tickets to make a booking

Available tickets for 28th February

Children and their grown up Single session
Children and their grown up Single session
Children and their grown up Single session (no donation)
Child(ren) and their grown up ticket with no donation icon-info

6 sessions from 28/02/2025

Term Ticket - Child(ren) and their grown up ticket with £3 per session donation icon-info

6 sessions from 28/02/2025

Term Ticket - Child(ren) and their grown up ticket with £5 per session donation icon-info

6 sessions from 28/02/2025
