The Together Project
Songs & Smiles - The Lakes, Dukinfield

  • icon-circle 0 months - 4 years
  • icon-calendar FRIDAY 28th February
  • icon-time-clock 11:00 - 12:00
The Lakes Care Centre

Lakes Road
Greater Manchester
SK16 4TX

View Map

You need to select some tickets to make a booking

Available tickets for 28th February

Term Ticket - Child(ren) and their grown up ticket with no donation icon-info

6 sessions from 28/02/2025

Term Ticket - Child(ren) and their grown up ticket with £3 per session donation icon-info

6 sessions from 28/02/2025

Term Ticket - Child(ren) and their grown up ticket with £5 per session donation icon-info

6 sessions from 28/02/2025
