Birth and Postnatal Doula, pregnancy and postnatal yoga teacher

What The Yoga Doula says

I provide a safe, informative and fun yoga classes for mums to be and mums in their postnatal period. As your birth doula I will be a consistent presence along the journey with you. I will accompany you through the process of preparing for birth, and support you in labour and as you birth your baby. This support is physical, practical and emotional, and is offered unconditionally and without judgement.


Hey all!

I'm Jos :). I live in North London with my husband, two teen children and our dog. I am a yoga teacher and a doula.

My interest in all things pregnancy and birth started following the births of my two children and having a doula support. My two pregnancies and births were very different but equally positive and empowering experiences. A seed that was planted over the years grew into a real desire to train as a doula and offer my unwavering support to families during the perinatal period.

As a yoga teacher I am used to holding space and caring for pregnant women and new mums. Listening as they retell their birth stories and sharing their experiences of becoming a parent and caring for their newborn.

As your Birth doula, I will walk beside you as you journey through the pregnancy, navigate the maternity system, and step through the powerful transition of meeting your baby. I won't ever tell you what to do. Instead I will be there to ‘hold your hand’, honouring and respecting your birth wishes, signposting you to the evidence based information so that you can make informed decisions. Empowering you to confidently own your birth.

At birth, I will provide support to both you and your birth partner, guarding your birthing space no matter how and where you wish to birth your baby, whilst being an advocate of your birth preferences.

As your Postnatal Doula my support will turn to you, ‘mothering a mother’. I believe that the 4th trimester should be spent with you feeling rested and supported which will promote healing and recovery and most importantly bonding with your new baby/babies.
My support during the postnatal period will include, but it’s not limited to:
spending time to debrief your birth story, holding your new baby so that you can have a shower/bath, or have some much needed sleep, preparing nutritious meals to make sure you are nourished properly, supporting you with feeding your baby, signposting.

Each family is unique, therefore I will tailor my support to what you and your family needs.

I am excited about meeting you and being part of your journey.

Jos x

Josipa Smith

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