Fun rhythm and rhyme classes for little ones and their grown-ups

What Tiny Rhymees says
Fun rhythms, rhymes and songs for babies, preschoolers and their grown-ups. 30 minutes sessions with me, Natasha, in Honor Oak. Including singing, dancing toe-tapping, clapping, shaker-shaking, ukulele playing, puppets and a big pinch of razzle dazzle. Everybody welcome, come and be part of a fun community under-5s group where we learn, create and celebrate rhymes, singing and songs together.
A mixture of original and traditional material and special guest appearances from puppets and musical instruments that you've probably never seen, heard or played with before.
I've been working with little ones and their grown-ups for 20 years, and for 13 of those years I worked at Booktrust where I was a key member of the National Bookstart team. I have trained and supported hundreds of early years and library professionals in how to create and deliver high quality rhymetime and storytime sessions, and have run sessions for families in community settings and at venues including The Wytchwood Music Festival, Bath Literary Festival, London Zoo, Greenwich Maritime Museum and The British Library. Now with a toddler of my own I want to support others to enjoy singing and rhyming with their little ones.