1.Creche; 2.Godzone

What Trinity Baptist Church says
1. The Crèche is free and is held in the back hall of the church. It is supervised by adults and it allows parents and carers to attend the Sunday morning service without having to worry about their child. There are things to do and to play with to keep them occupied. However, if a child becomes upset, parents will be advised. We take the safety of the young people in our care very seriously and our practices are set out in the Trinity Child Protection Policy. 2. We call it 'GodZone' – you might think of it as 'Sunday School' – it’s the umbrella name for all of the activities that take place for children aged approx 3 to 13 (pre-school / nursery to year 8) on Sundays. Say it quickly and you will see there is a double meaning – 'GodZone' = 'God’s Own', which is how we want all our children to think of themselves! We are growing in numbers as new families join our church and also as friends and relatives have invited others to join us, too. On average we have up to 60 children on Sundays. On Sunday mornings at 10.30 we start off in the main church for 20 minutes or so, with a range of songs and stories, before leaving to go to the halls at the back of the church where we meet in four age specific groups until approximately midday. Children enjoy learning through a mixture of activities – some noisy and energetic, others more quiet and reflective, but all designed to help children learn about a God who loves them and wants to be their special friend – not just when they are kids, but throughout their whole lives. We are pleased that we have enough volunteer leaders and helpers to ensure that our activities can be provided in a safe and organised manner. All our leaders and helpers have been police checked and most have a number of years' experience of working with children and young people. We take the safety of the young people in our care very seriously and our practices are set out in the Trinity Child Protection Policy.
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