Friendly and welcoming pre and postnatal classes for Baby and You

What Breathing Space Yoga says

Pregnancy yoga, Mum and Baby Yoga and Baby Massage classes.

Support your pregnancy, birth and beyond with my gentle classes to support positive pregnancy and the transition to parenthood. Meet other new parents and parents to be. My classes are suitable for all, now previous yoga experience is necessary.

I look forward to welcoming you and your baby.


My name is Sarah and I have been teaching postnatal classes since 2013, and prenatal and regular yoga since 2015.
I set up Breathing Space Yoga in 2013 because I wanted to pass on to others the benefits I had gained from making yoga a part of my own life, and the wonderful benefits of enjoying yoga through through my two pregnancies and with my babies postnatally.
I have trained with Birthlight and with To Baby and Beyond and hold qualifications in Pregnancy Yoga, Postnatal Yoga, Baby Yoga and Baby Massage.

Sarah Clover

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