Bring your baby to the disco
What Disco Baby with Bobbi says
Disco Baby is a weekly dance along session for babies and their caregivers to enjoy together. Using simple, energising steps and actions you adults will get some nourishing movement in to ease off those aches and pains and awaken your core, whilst baby gets to bask in your happy glow and have an awesome sensory experience through movement, beautiful disco lighting, sensory toys and that sweet, sweet music. Oh and bubbles of course! You can pop baby in a carrier or sling, let them play on the mat and enjoy your moves or join in seated with baby on your lap - there’s a version for everyone. New mums, you can gently begin your healing journey with some intuitive movement, working to your own level, and getting a much deserved energy boost! If we can't sleep, we might as well dance, eh?! There's a mixture of planned ‘routines’ and freestyle moments but it's all your disco your way - sit, stand, leap or lie down - whatever you've got in you is just fine. There's a chill out area and a cuppa and a chat available at the end. Helpfully, it’s accessible - you can wheel your pram or pushchair straight in and the baby change is right by the door to our room.
I'm Bobbi and I really look forward to boogie-ing with you!
I’ve been a professional actor and actor musician for 20 years. In 2022 our fantastic daughter came into our lives and so instead of trotting round the country treading the boards I am very happy to be staying at home performing the role of mum. During the pandemic I created an online disco experience - for those who don’t love exercise but feel they ought to get moving - called Walkeoke. I had a brilliant and busy year bringing folks together, albeit distantly, through a love of moving to music and I feel this is a great fit for early motherhood. When my baby was very little I was so keen to get out and meet people in my situation, being new to the area, and very much appreciated any opportunity to make it fun and lighthearted. I’m still on the journey of feeling good in my body and dancing freely is one of the things that helps me most with that. I know this sort of intuitive movement is perfect for awakening your core and getting much needed endorphins flowing - it’s the best energiser you can get in my opinion! Most importantly it has been a great tool for entertaining my growing baby and given us a lot of laughs together. She loves great tunes and is really starting to find the beat now!
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- Sundays 15:15–16:15
- 0 months - 10 years
- Event
- £1.00 - £6.50
- Thursdays 11:45–12:45
- 0 months - 12 months
- Selected dates
- £2.50 - £7.50
- NEXT ON: 23 Jan 2025
- Fridays 09:30–10:15
- 0 months - 4 years
- Selected dates
- £1.00 - £6.50
- NEXT ON: 24 Jan 2025
- Fridays 10:30–11:30
- 0 months - 4 years
- Selected dates
- £2.50 - £7.50
- NEXT ON: 24 Jan 2025