What Mama Asturiana says

Helping Mums recover from birth, step into their power & access their innate wisdom since she was blessed with her first child in 2016 Sarah provides tailored post-natal yoga for your unique anatomy, focusing on pelvic floor rehabilitation & strengthening from the inside out. Her style is based on Meta meditation & loving kindness with a foundation for deepening parent-baby bonding, connection & accessing bliss. She is skilled at facilitating creative restorative flows for new mums & engaging activities for babies and holding space for women to access their deeper truth and knowing. Classes can be dynamic yet always playful, flowing but structured, encouraging students to feel grounded, energised and come back home to themselves.


Sarah of Mama Asturiana & Prasarita Yoga founded her business supporting new mothers in 2017 in Herne Hill, Brixton & Crystal Palace. During the pandemic, with 2 boys under 3 she made a permanent move to Spain and now serves her thriving community of conscious women & mothers online. Sarah has been teaching since 2005, became a qualified yoga teacher in 2013 & qualified with Birthlight in 2016 to teach post-natal / parent & baby yoga, after attending months of classes with her own baby and experiencing the miraculous medicine for herself and her colicky baby.
She is incredibly experienced and has taught yoga in schools, corporate settings, nurseries, in refugee centres and is passionate about yoga as a tool for self discovery, enlightenment and natural medicine. She has been initiated by elders to support women through rites of passage, through major transitions in life and stepping over the threshold into the unknown.

Sarah Newman

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