On Monday afternoon between 12.15-1.45, we hold a Stay and Play session at the Barwell Family Hub.
The session is open to all and free to attend (a £1 donation can be given if you want to).
The sessions are relaxed and free flowing, allowing parents and children time to engage in play together. Towards the end of the session we encourage families to tidy up and then enjoy singing some songs together.
We are always happy to see new faces, and there is no booking system so please feel free to turn up on the day. We look forward to seeing you there!
When you arrive at the Hub, ring the buzzer and you will be let in. You will be asked to give your name and your child's name for the register. There is space for you to leave prams inside.
Booking info & prices
Our sessions are open to EVERYONE with no booking system. Please just turn up on the morning of the session.
Prices not available
Please contact the class provider for further information.
Booking info & prices
Our sessions are open to EVERYONE with no booking system. Please just turn up on the morning of the session.
Prices not available
Please contact the class provider for further information.