A great introductory session for kids who want to learn the balance and coordination skills required for safe and successful cycling. We encourage kids to work alongside their parents/guardians to gain confidence and balance, with the goal being unassisted pedalling. We have Strider balance bikes and Frog bikes available in a range of sizes with hire included in the cost of the session, children who are learning with their own bikes are welcome too, however we don't allow bikes with stabilisers. Children in this session will be encouraged to begin trying pedal bikes once they have got the hang of balance biking.
Children taking part must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who will be expected to be hands-on in the session, helping and encouraging their child to progress, with assistance and advice from our experienced coaches.
Please book in advance of attending.
Booking info & prices
Please visit our website for more details, all sessions are Β£5 per child -
- Single Session: Β£5.00
Booking info & prices
Please visit our website for more details, all sessions are Β£5 per child -
- Single Session: Β£5.00