Steph baby-friendly fitness classes

What Steph Fitness says

Steph is a mother of two children aged 8 and 5. She's a Personal Trainer, Pre and Post Natal, Kettlebell instructor with a stretch for recovery background. She offers outdoor group classes in Brockwell Park, Belair Park, and Dulwich Park that are baby-friendly (0-5 ages). These classes are designed to aid recovery, build strength, improve mobility, and enhance the conditioning of your body post-baby. They are both fun and challenging, helping you feel revitalized and present. Furthermore, she offers modifications and alternatives for each exercise to cater to various post-birth journeys. Things to bring with you are : Dress appropriately for the weather, bring water, and a picnic Mat (for yourself and baby). Bring toys and Snacks for your baby.

Steph Dang

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