New bespoke studio offering baby massage and yoga for children

What Jellypose says

Jellypose is purpose designed studio. It is a welcoming and calm environment offering a variety of sessions and classes for children 0-11 years. Although my love of yoga was the main inspiration for Jellypose, it is not the only thing on offer here. I love and advocate all things that promote nurture, bonding, language and communication. That is why I trained as a baby massage instructor and also offer this. I love to use stories and adventure and I really enjoy the journey of reading which is why I will be offering new reading classes from January. Bringing my early years teaching experience to Jellypose, children will be able to explore sound and stories in a fun and relaxed environment. The children's yoga classes offered at Jellypose aim to boost their confidence and encourage a culture of self-care. We spend time thinking about our emotions and realise that we may feel different every day, and that is normal and okay. We promote calm and positivity through our mindful activities and recognition of how amazing and strong we are. Positivity and self care are promoted in baby massage and baby yoga too where mums and carers are encouraged to spend time relaxing at the end of a session, to recognise the wonderful things that they do. The sessions at Jellypose are relaxed and friendly where everyone has the chance to make friends, chat and socialise.


Hi everyone and welcome to my studio, Jellypose. My name is Marina and I opened Jellypose in November 2022.

I am a mum of 3, a primary school teacher, early years specialist, a baby massage instructor and a children's yoga instructor, with over 16 years experience in education. I love teaching children and supporting them on their learning journeys. I love practising yoga. I realised that it was time to put them both together and so Jellypose was born.​
My Jellypose studio is a purpose made, calm and relaxing space for children. I offer a range of fun classes that focus on wellbeing and mindfulness from birth as well as communication and language. I want children to feel confident and know how to cope with any bad days that they might face as they go through life. I want children to be able to express their emotions, feelings and opinions. Practising yoga and mindfulness teaches skills to be able to do this and I want children to have the opportunity to learn.

Marina Aiken Wood

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