


Small, friendly classes with time to relax and get to know your changing body

  • Mondays 19:30–21:00
  • NEXT ON: 10 Mar 2025

St Philip & St James Church Hall 73 Hounslow road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 7HA

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  • icon-cost £12.00
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Time for you to relax and get to know your changing body and developing baby, while gently starting to think about birth and postnatal life. The small classes are friendly with a chance to meet other pregnant women and people, including those having 1st and subsequent babies. Suitable from 13 weeks of pregnancy, but gentle enough to continue until your baby arrives.

The warm environment supports you to relax and enjoy some time for yourself, whilst improving your physical and emotional wellbeing, and increasing your chance of a positive birth experience. The postures are gentle, and specifically designed so that you can attend all the way through your pregnancy. Yoga-based exercises can help women to have a straightforward birth, as well as providing an opportunity to get to know your body, and are also enjoyable for those planning a caesarean birth – and no previous yoga experience is needed.

For those who are already mothers, the class provides a time when you can relax, concentrate on the new baby, and think about your wishes for this birth. For 1st time mothers, there will be lots of practical tips and an opportunity to meet others and ask questions. Some words may be unfamiliar, so please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you are unsure of.

We start the class with a chance to hear and share a bit about each other, as well as birth announcements and the occasional visit by new mothers. Then the focus moves to breathing, gentle stretching, positions for labour and birth and ends with a relaxation.

Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water, a blanket and a cushion or yoga block, and your own yoga mat if you can. I have mats to borrow, as well as plenty of blocks and some spare blankets.

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £12.00

Booking info & prices

  • Single Session: £12.00
Sarah Espenhahn

Upcoming dates

MARCH 2025
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