We generally say around 2 years for Jiggety-Jig but children develop at different rates and some find the classes more suitable earlier than 2 years whilst others wait a short while after turning 2. It might help to know what we look for when graduating children to Jiggety-JIg to help you make your choice. Don't forget you can also move at any point in the term (where we have availability)
🥁Child is 2 by start of term or within a few weeks of the start of term.
🥁Child follows instructions and is happy to sit on a mat
🥁Child can take part in sharing activities
🥁They play their sounds on the mat
🥁They can collect sounds and take them back using sorting and simple instruction
🥁They are starting to use speech and can start to count to 3 and say their name
Booking info & prices
Head to the timetable area in our page to join us in one of our three venues. The first class is free!
- Single Session: £12.00
Siblings & Discounts
- First Free Class (Single Session): £0.00
Booking info & prices
Head to the timetable area in our page to join us in one of our three venues. The first class is free!
- Single Session: £12.00
Siblings & Discounts
- First Free Class (Single Session): £0.00